
Sonnet 116
Sonnet 116

sonnet 116

With this ideal comes the idea of the degeneration of beauty, either by chance or by the influence of time on nature. These ideas include the thought that every aspect of life was corrupt because of the fall of Adam. A lot of the sad theme has to do with Shakespeare’s renaissance thoughts and his reasoning for why must come to and end. The image of love within this piece of work has a more melancholy tone compared to Shakespeare’s other more romantic poems. Shakespeare describes that everything summer produces will become less beautiful over time (Lord 3548). He depicts summer with rough winds, but still not long enough. This love is an abstract idea of the mind and soul and is immune to the physical, behavioral, or emotional weaknesses …show more content… Shakespeare uses the aspects of nature to describe the person he is addressing by explaining different factors that make the season of summer either enjoyable or dreadful.

sonnet 116

The love that Shakespeare describes is a love that is beyond the highest level of human activity. He claims that the central factor of love is truth and fidelity, which is rooted in the mind. Shakespeare is trying to embody the idea that love is essential.

#Sonnet 116 series#

It portrays the meaning of true love through the description of a series of elaborate images. The poem is not a normal declaration of love, but a definition and demonstration of love.

sonnet 116

This sonnet shows how Shakespeare perceives the concept of love and marriage. Show More Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116” describes the true meaning of love and how it is the highest level of human activity.

Sonnet 116